Sunday, March 4, 2012

5 sweetest things boy should do to her girlfriend

Posted by beeadinda at 2:19 AM
1. Acknowledge her favourite things.

You can do this by taking her to her favourite restaurant or buying her that coffee that she always raves about. Anything that you know she really likes will fit into this category. This will show her that you listen to her and that you want to make her happy.

2. Publicly make her feel loved.

Show her how much you care about her in front of other people. Tell others how great she is or how she can do something better than anyone you know. Your goal should be to make other woman say “Awwwww, that’s so sweet.” She will feel like the envy of all the girls and the luckiest girl alive.

3. Do that thing she always asks you do – without her asking.

There’s most likely something that she always asks you for that she would like you to do. It may be a foot massage or setting the table or taking out the garbage or anything else that she always has to ask you to do that could possibly make her feel like a nag. If you just do it, it will show her that you are listening to her and thinking about her.

4. Treat her like a woman!

Make her feel sexy and womanly. You can do this buy going back to the olden days of chivalry towards woman. Pull out her chair before she sits, open the car door for her, or tell her how sexy she looks in whatever she’s wearing. Make her feel beautiful and she will see you for the sweetheart you are.

5. Buy her flowers.

Yes it’s cliche but it’s still sweet. Every girl loves getting flowers from their guy. Flowers are pretty and smell nice and are just a sweet gesture of your feelings towards her.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

5 sweetest things boy should do to her girlfriend

1. Acknowledge her favourite things.

You can do this by taking her to her favourite restaurant or buying her that coffee that she always raves about. Anything that you know she really likes will fit into this category. This will show her that you listen to her and that you want to make her happy.

2. Publicly make her feel loved.

Show her how much you care about her in front of other people. Tell others how great she is or how she can do something better than anyone you know. Your goal should be to make other woman say “Awwwww, that’s so sweet.” She will feel like the envy of all the girls and the luckiest girl alive.

3. Do that thing she always asks you do – without her asking.

There’s most likely something that she always asks you for that she would like you to do. It may be a foot massage or setting the table or taking out the garbage or anything else that she always has to ask you to do that could possibly make her feel like a nag. If you just do it, it will show her that you are listening to her and thinking about her.

4. Treat her like a woman!

Make her feel sexy and womanly. You can do this buy going back to the olden days of chivalry towards woman. Pull out her chair before she sits, open the car door for her, or tell her how sexy she looks in whatever she’s wearing. Make her feel beautiful and she will see you for the sweetheart you are.

5. Buy her flowers.

Yes it’s cliche but it’s still sweet. Every girl loves getting flowers from their guy. Flowers are pretty and smell nice and are just a sweet gesture of your feelings towards her.

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